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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

When Security Guards become Mechanics.

This could be unluckiest day for her and I happened to be the 1st witness, it was abit frustrated to start with but it ended with laughters and sweats...:P

Here is the story :

530pm - I was enjoying air-cond while waiting to see one of the most cheerful customer of mine, together with me were 2 of my dear coleagues, I received a call from a even dearer coleague, a stress call for help, the story was about some car keys stucked in the car booth and can't open bla bla bla....

Out of curiosity (partly out of sincerity too), I Gave Up the urgency to meet this customer and walk down the stair case to the basement carpark to find out what was wrong with the key and booth thing...

To my surprise, I didn't see any key stucked in the car booth key hole, but a lady trying to be incredible hulk attempted to open a car booth with her Strong arms.... hey....the car shaked.... I actually wanted to laugh but I certainly didn't want to have those arms shaking my neck....

Then I finally been notified that the booth opener at the driver seat is faulty and she was using the car key to open the booth, but, this was the turning point, she ACCIDENTALLY (better put it this way) slammed the booth while the car keys were still relaxing inside it.... so, erm, there was no way to open the booth ....

I tried the handle at the driver seat again ( I know it was faulty, just trying my luck...), then I tried with my car key ( I know it won't work, my luck again....), both way failed, then, Might Chin's face crossed my mind, so I called him. (while she continued to shake the poor car....)

Mighty Chin is mighty, he gave some good technical phone support, we finally knew the alternative way to access the booth : Through the passenger seats!!! ( I know U pandai, u would have figured out 10minutes ago...)

With 1hand on the phone and 1 free hand, I removed the Seat part of the passenger seat, there came the 2nd challenge : to remove the the Back part of it, it was screwed with 2 nuts.... which I knew I don't have the right tool.... But then again, I tried my luck again with my booth, OK, confirmed I didn't have it with me ( see, I actually got, I just don't have it in my car....).

6pm - We finally gave up and decided to deliver the stuff that she was supposed to, 30minutes ago.

Our savier of the day was Ms. Audrey, she contacted the security guards to give us a hand, 2 macho SG appeared shortly after her call (Does she always do this ?). At the same time, our Kepoh coleague, Mr.Lim, finally called to show his concern and agreed to came back to assist us. WTF.....he actually LEFT us and then called to tell us that the passenger seats can be easily removed with bare hands (he thought he is better than Mighty Chin when comes to car's anatomy...). Fine, we asked to meet up at the crime scene...

Here comes the Tulan part, after showing the SG about the nuts thingy, they turned around and walked towards a room (well, I never noticed the existance of that room, but I did notice a surveillance camera was right infront of her car). Erm, the room located, just exactly behind of her car, it could ( I say, COULD) mean, one of the SG must have seen us struggling just now either through the CCTV or saw us from the room, and did nothing about it....gosh.....

Fine ! They got the right tool and to my surprise, it took them (3 of them, one each unscrewed the nut from both side, one supervised, oh, Mr.Lim just kepoh...) almost 10minutes to remove 2 , nope, actually it was 4 nuts, that was ....FAST...

630pm - The long lost car keys were back into the strong arms.... Mr.Lim is flooded with sweats, tough job to supervise a 4nuts duty.

Did I tell u that while we were on our way to deliver stuff, the handle of her working bag, dropped in the lift !!! I can't explain how funny was it, but, it was funny. LOL !

I planned to buy the car plate number.

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