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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Long time didn't update blog

It's been more than a year again before I finally return to write on this pathetic blog that I always neglect, bad me....

I think most of the time when I visit my blog is when I have too much thing to think and too many plan in mind, I need to pour out some the rubbish like what I m doing now...:P

2009 has been a year with so much of ups and downs, so many '1st time' for me also. From the stupid shocking dramatic incident happened in Jan (when I was doing staffing for Basic) that almost push me down the black hole, to finally made up the mind to endure and be patient, I think I have learned alot about myself and my limit. But that didn't stop me from thinking about the issue over and over again every now and then, I suppose I still can't get over it. As I was bothered by this issue, something that I really wanted to do for a long time kept popping up my mind, may be it's a sign, may be it's time and oppoturnity for me to take a look again on this dream that I'd long abandoned.

Anyway, Gatal me went for the 1st time journey of staffing for Advanced and because of those group people in Advanced, I submitted intention for senioring also. So, 4months passed like thunder, before I knew it, it's already July. July July, August August... Time flies, it has come to almost the end of 2009, in 10days time, I will submit the big letter that I once submitted 2years ago...

Thanks for all the friends and buddies who always think I deserve better and I am better than what others see, especially the one who said : " You are more that meet the eyes ! " Hahaha, I guess I know what you mean by that...:P , thanks again..

December has been a busy month for me, but it is fulfilling, renovation, shopping for house item, buy furnitures, electricals, cleaning house, setting dates for house warming, moving in..... this is really a short month !!! So, my house warming session I is on 31st December 2009, let's end 2009 and start 2010 with some laugher and wishes ! :D

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