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Monday, September 10, 2012

River Jungle Marathon 2012

Since SCKLM, I have always been training for short distance run like Men's Health Shape Run and KOTR, the aim was to achieve PB for both 12KM and 17KM distance, especially after I got to know I have to give up the Taiping full marathon, all my trainings are just speedwork and time trials.
I do not know why last minute I changed my mind to go for the RJM which was never in my plan for 2012. So happened there is an extra bib from our fellow runner Yap who can't make it and the amount of msg tht flood my whatsapp and fb to ask me to go for it, (and I still lack of 1 FM to complete my target of 4 FM in 2012), I made up my mind to join RJM in less 36 hours from the event... I know I can let go KOTR because based on estimation from 15KM timing, I have more than enough time to exceed my target time for KOTR.
To make sure I am ready for RJM, I went for a short 10KM run at Ammah Hill on Saturday just to warm up my body and prepare myself mentally for next day. To my surprise, it was a PB for me for tht distance at Ammah. I know at least for 21-25KM, I am ready, beyond that, it is an unknown coz my 1st FM was 4 months ago on a flat route... Then I went home I saw the below from themarathonshop event page:
It does not look like I have a choice but just to go for it anyway and go slow, aim to complete will do... due to my fear of dehydration, I started to pack my new hydration

Come the next day morning 3.00am I speed the long journey to Hulu Langat and found out that many of our LYN buddies are doing RJM too...I somehow feel relieved with familiar faces around. Then I decided to lose the hydration backpack just 10 mins before the start of RJM.
LYNR gang (can see I was still with the hydration backpack)
Photo with LYNR prior to start (without hydration backpack, lol)
We started at around 5.00am (or may be slightly earlier), I paced with K1 and constantly tell myself not to go too fast, conserve energy for the hills and later part of the run... We did good pace for about 10KM (6mins/km) before K1 speed off to chase others (may be he also beh tahan keep running slow I had a good 3KM run together with Joshua before we enter the misty zone where I suddenly decided to increase the pace to chase Cikgu, just before I close up the gap, he went to pee at the roadside in the bush, not a very good example as a So, quietly I overtook him and continue the misty journey.
The hilly part came right after 17KM water station, I actually thought it is around 21-24KM zone. I slowed down my pace and the aim was to be patiently suffer this zone and enjoy the rest of the journey, somehow I am glad it came earlier while I still have more energy to go on... Felt the urge to pee after 1KM into the hilly misty smelly zone...drag on for another KM before I saw the mobile toilet (the organizer is really genius and well thought of runners might piss in their pants after suffering 2KM, lol). There goes my virgin toilet visit during any race...phew... Came to 20KM water station was just so much relief as I know the nightmare is over and my timing was not too bad yet.
Going down hill was quite a steep one and anything can happen if runners try to speed, might end up drifting and rolling, lol! I took it slowly but also tried to catch up some time loss during uphill. 3KM passed like a wind and I was already at the juction of 23KM. Took the turning to the right, not long after I met K1 who had already made his U-turn, at estimation, I was about 800meters behind him, very doable to catch up with him later... back to 23/26KM point, realized I didn't take my 2nd surge as planned. Quickily I took a huge banana and there was when I met Yap Siew leng, so nice of her took my photo before she continue her 23-26KM route while I moved on the run away from Cikgu who had just arrived, lol.

26KM point, photo by Yap Siew Leng
26-29KM was a bit boring coz the scenery part ended and there was hardly anyone behind me or infront of me...only until 29KM water station I saw K1 just departed and there was COCONUT!!!! hahaha! so nice of the organizer to prepare this surprise. I stayed there for awhile and took some sprays on my legs n butt to prevent the coming cramps, I can't stay long coz I still need to chase K1..
It looks funny as though I overtook him illegally
I finally catched up with K1 when he is bored to death and decided to take a walk and from there we paced each other. We bump into Soon Choong and took the hold hands photo ! I took it easy at 32KM water station and was expecting to have spray at 35KM water station but my mistake there was not supposed to have one at that station (may be next year there will be one ?:P) But to my surprise, this water station was not there at 35th KM!!! It was somewhat few hundred meters away!!!

This is classic
I only have ice for muscle relief and took some water. Just few hundred meters after I left the station, I hit the wall, suddenly hungry and tired, I took a slow walk and took one 2nd surge, followed by 2nd and 3rd 2nd surge, and continue to walk for about 300 meters before I regain some energy to carry on. When I reached 38KM water station, K1 was there and we departed together, then the 2nd surge did its magic, i dropped K1 and continue at good pace to chase back a few who overtook me during my slow walk. Final KM was fun because I saw some of them infront of me and I took a short sprint to over take Karen, just for the fun of it. :P

Had some fun to push and overtake Karen

Crossed the line with 4:24:15, which was much better than my estimation when I was at 35KM mark. I never thought the final 3KM I can push further with the help of 2nd surge, but probably time to take it would have been earlier if I didn't neglect this part. K1 and Cikgu came back few minutes later and the rest was history.
It was supposed to a suffering run (at least I was prepared for it), end up I didn't suffer much post-run muscle soreness, not as bad as during Borneo marathon. Probably because I increased training mileage in the past 2 months and I am better conditioned than 4 months ago. So, I guess I am ready for another 2 FM this year with the aim to touch sub4. The biggest reward of this run? I get to sayur K1, it doesn't matter he took this run serious or not, it matters I sayur him, lol!
2nd FM, result better than expected, at 1st target sub5, then 4:45, then final estimation 4:30
Simple but nice medal
1st 3 LYNR completed RJM
Eldred and Wai Hong joined us 30 mins later.

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