Monday, October 14, 2024

KLSCM 2024 - A Better Season as Coach and Pacer.

A week passed and I was not sure if I should write a report for KLSCM. If yes, where do I begin? Do I have a dramatic story this year or do I have more enriched story to tell?

So many things happen this year, personally (as runner) and professionally (as coach), I usually have a draft version of what I want to tell during the race day run, but nothing, I was focused, I was present, it seems I only recall KM35, the very moment I got relax knowing this is it, if I make it here, I make it home running.

Traditionally KM32 onwards is unknown zone for runners, the final 10KM, the distance which most runners do not train beyond and many start faltering and fading. But I am somewhat different, my struggle usually is 28, I make passed 28, I judge my 32 and at 34/35 I know what's left in tank easily.

Oh I get to KM35 too quickly. See? This happens when I don't plan!!!

Let's get back to 1 year ago. If you haven't read the dramatic version of my KLSCM 2023 report, read this 1st:

Not long after KLSCM 2023, Dirigo Events reached out and we started to plan for 2024 season, pretty early and pretend intense (at least in terms of schedule commitment). We agreed on having additional clinic sessions specially designed for more experienced runners who set out to achieve PB or nailing their 1st long distance event (HM or FM), and we want them to take home practical experience that they can incorporate into their training plan outside and beyond KLSCM. Thus, KLSCM Specialized Clinics were introduced, targeting only small group of runners that we can personally interact and watch them doing their drills, but we are less friendly in these clinics.

That means double the preparation time, double the time/date commitment, which also means many weekends with affected personal training / race sessions. Karsten and I worked together to make sure we set high bar for small group of runners committed themselves to Specialized clinics and allowed participants for General clinics to be increased to cope with growing number of sign up for KLSCM.

We added a final session of clinic to allow runners to run with Pacers, thus giving them a chance to experience following pacers, asking them questions and to gauge if they are following the right target with a month to go from race day. It turns out, we like it, pacers like it, runners like it. I am still rooting for having Pacers on duty during Expo to increase the interaction with runners (2025 maybe...)

General Clinic

Pacer Group Photo at Run with Pacers clinic day

Meanwhile, KLSCM 2024 also added sessions that further support participants to enhance their performance and accelerate recovery. A very busy 4 months with total 16 sessions clinics + a health talk by Pantai Hospital, absolutely free.

A very busy 4 months passed, we collected valuable feedback from participants, and we learnt from them too. My sincere thank you to all that attended the clinics and gave your support to spend your weekend with us. I hope they all achieved their goals, suffer less in the process, stay injury free and continue to improve after KLSCM.

That's it, that's the Coach's Chapter, usually nobody really cares, just for my own note taking anyway. :D

Next up: The Pacer Chapter

I haven't been able to find a better photo than this

Let's talk pacer selection 1st. KLSCM introduced pacer selection and assessment since 2020 and with COVID, the 1st team selected in 2020 didn't get to pace, so officially the 2022 Pacer Team was the 1st team running the race under this program. In 2024, we added additional rules for pacers to Strava group for training mileage monitoring.

Monitoring is probably a heavy word, but there was no specific requirement set on the training mileage and pace, more of making sure pacers are putting in regular training and able to keep their fitness level on par with the pace/distance they need to lead. Along the way we lost some pacers who couldn't keep up with the contract rules and terms, but as always, KLSCM set up 3 pacers team for a reason, just in case we lose some, we always have someone. 

Before you comment anything about the pacers, maybe it is worth reading this post about pacer 1st:

Anyone who follows pacer needs to know they are following Gun Time, that means when you catch up a pacer group or they cross you, you are not on the same timeline with them, even if you started ahead of them. If runner is following net time (starting the watch timer only when crossing the startling line), there is already a time difference of seconds (if you start from Pen 1/2/3) to minutes (Pen4 and above) between yourself and the pacers. 

What may happen is (in fact it was in one post made by a runner), a runner started from Pen 5, crossing the starting line 4 mins after Gun Time at flag off, he/she may very likely find that the 5 hrs pacers moving faster than expected, at 21KM, 5 hrs pacer watch showing 2:29 hrs, but the runner's watch would be 2:25 hrs, a good 5 mins ahead of the 5 hrs FM finishing time at midpoint (2:30 hrs). 

Even if that runner is crossing 21KM mark at 2:28 hrs, he/she may very well be watching the 5 hrs balloon few hundred metres ahead (2mins = 285 metres for 5 hrs pacers). So it is very possible that a runner finishes the race well under 5 hours and was never near the pacers.

Being a pacer remain my passion in running, I owe it to the running community if I know how and I don't do it, similarly, I owe it to the people who set out their 1st attempt to be pacer if I don't show them to set the bar high and do it right. But before that, I need to be pacing ready too.

I did another round of pacer job in Halong Bay a month+ after KLSCM 2023, 2 weeks after my chicken pox (which hit me 3 weeks after KLSCM during Kedah Marathon...), the race (and a couple of HM) went well, but I noticed I have significant issue with ankle soreness where I had the serious twists. It didn't go away for another 4-5 months, during training I need to go extremely slow pace, and I had to take my races very carefully and gently.

Though I survived HK100 Grand Sam, I quitted both Route 68 and TiTi Ultra at halfway, Route 68 was definitely ankle soreness, TiTi Ultra was something else. Then I had very short turnaround time to reset my training pace to marathon pace. I have 2 FMs lined up before the pacer assessment day to force myself to up the pace and get used to it.

Borneo Marathon went well for 2/3 of it, ankle soreness kicked in and I managed a 4hrs just on time, not too bad, at least I found the tempo for this pace again, like 5-6 months after the last fast run. Samarahan Marathon was a week later, I managed to recover and bounce back with much better race experience, maintaining a good pace throughout and finished the race 5 mins faster than expected. Then nailed pacer assessment, setting stronger than expected run and ended month of May with an attempt to come back with 100KM LSD but finished 50KM only.

Pacer candidates' assessment day

I thought June was going to be the month I pick up the training pace/mileage, with KLSCM clinics started, I need to make do with days I have for training. Somehow, weird thing happens when I least expect them, like I would do a progressive 10KM adjusting my stride to be faster and ended up triggering very old injury Achilles Tendonitis. So Pantai Marathon in June was once again, a barely made it 4 hrs marathon.

Took 3 weeks of easy paced training to encourage healing, back to Score Marathon in July and made strong run. I thought August is going to good on me but Bintulu Marathon taught me a lesson to never underestimate the damage done by a combo of New Shoes + Achilles Tendonitis. Blister and muscle soreness eventually made me walk at KM32 and kicked out of the 4 hrs finishing. 

It seems like with less than 2 months till KLSCM 2024, I am not in the right shape to pace, I have Ipoh 7 Bridges Marathon which eventually I decided to DNS to focus on recovery and strengthening. Things went well (I supposed, based on outcome), the short walks that I focused on helped to strengthen my ankles, putting less pressure on the Achilles. 

Would I have the same pressure to start the race like 2023? Certainly not. 

Do I have any worry if I may fail? Definitely Yes. Nothing is for sure, as long as I have some minor injuries, the worry will always be there, but they kept me focused and not taking anything for granted during the race, that's how I got to KM35 forgetting what happened before.

I chose 100plus for pre-race hydration
Starting line view

It is worth mentioning that I was moved by the crowd's cheers and willingness to give way for us to pass through in PEN 3, they didn't have to, but I appreciate that a lot! Thanks for the high spirits and clapping! Being a short guy, having good fresh air in the crowd is luck.

Actually, I do recall some other memories now, a silly runner who called my name wrongly in sarcastic way and gave funny remark as I passed him (that he will do a negative split to pass me later) very early in the race, maybe 5-6 KM in the city. Don't bother, he finished the race 4:2X hrs. I do recall starting at Gun Time, pacers were very much behind time until KM12, quite stressful and crossing midpoint at around 1:59 hrs., So technically, we did the 1st half vs 2nd half in about 49.5:50.5 time split ratio.

A silly guy made this, but informative

This year, there were a lot more runners following our group (4 hours), especially from KM25-35 along DUKE highway, I normally have runners fading and dropping along the way, but we had strong solid followers that listened to advice not to push fast and stick to the pace that I maintained.

City run added about 500m into 1st half on my watch

At KM35/36, Eddie took over the lead, I have much more freedom to run with less people around me, that I recall same spot last year, I had to make a decision to grind to finish on time, I don't have to make any decision, I know I can do this, and I will.

I was at a lighter mood; I took out the phone to take some videos of runners, holding the runners on pace, I can't wait to tell them, final few KMs if they feel strong, they can move ahead, but to be conservative, I hold that till KM39 to give the signal for anyone who wants to push for better result to go ahead.

The elevation of the racecourse was not as scary as many said actually

Merging with 21KM category seems much easier, I shout out to request the 21KM to keep left while the 42KM keep right so they are not blocking each other. Roti John and Capati Yeng passed me at final U-turn, I was surprised but I am happy they did, if they did follow well, they better get it done and nail it!

The crowd was loud, don't remember hearing this loud cheer in 2023, checked watch and distance, we are certainly on time with just enough buffer to stay within 1 min from 4 hrs Gun Time. And for the 1st time since 2018, 3 pacers for Green Balloons crossed finishing line together.

I looked back, not bad, I thought.

Some runners waited and came forward to express their appreciation (some PM in FB later), took some pictures, that's it, 2024 season ended with medal collection and a protein shake as recovery drink. :D

This is what makes it worth the effort!

How about the Runner's Chapter?

Did I mention already I did Borneo, Samarahan, Pantai, Score and Bintulu to get ready for KLSCM? Supposed to have Ipoh 7Bridges too but DNS. I remain a losuy runner for the season, no PB, no monster mileage, no podium, nothing greater than decent.

As a runner, my monthly mileage has been really below the bar for the pace I am doing for race:
May: 193KM
June: 168KM
July: 142KM
August: 138KM
September: 217KM

A curious friend always asks me how I always told runners to clock sufficient mileage while myself doing so little? 

My answer is 1st. I need to deal with injury, recovery comes as priority. Is AT very serious injury? Probably not as bad as ankle twist, torn ligaments, but it is irritating, I can ignore for a 21KM run but I am not willing to risk suffering a 42KM. 2nd. I have run enough marathons to rely on experience to run a decent marathon timing. 

Ignore the 2nd answer, I was joking, it was simply the clinics commitment that took some good 50-70KM a month away from my training. I dealt with 1st answer by doing low intensity training.

Overall, this is a fruitful year for KLSCM, I didn't cover the race EXPO but I am sure many have experienced the great improvements, I didn't hear any complaint on baggage drop, missing banana, short water supply, road safety, medical support (in fact this is a PLUS if you saw the Medics on the Route running). I know there was medal and finisher T issue, but organizer is addressing them as I am writing (perhaps done by now).

I haven't heard any complaints about the coaches, maybe there is and people are hiding them from us, but I just want everyone to know we may look fierce, but we are open for feedback, if you want a better/different clinics experience for yourself or others, do drop us your comments and suggestion at my Instagram mailbox.

Brooks and Pressio have been a great partner for the season with their generous sponsorship on latest shoes models (Glyserin 21, Ghost 16, Hyperion Max2, Hyperion Elite 4) and comfortable dryfit shirts and pant for my regular training and races. As pacer, I chose Glyserin 21 to be conservative on comfort ride. Hyperion Max 2 would be a great companion for faster paced events, I like Hyperion Elite 4, might do a separate review on its in actual race event.

100 Plus Malaysia has been great training hydration partner too, the new 100 Plus PRO is my favourite drink for post work out hydration and muscle repair, I think it saves my effort on getting hydration and protein intake in 2 separate drinks.

Counterpain Malaysia has been helping me in coping with muscle soreness, AT pain and getting ready for runs with both the Counterpain Cream and Gel. I carried one small tube (given in race pack), used it 3X during the run to give my thighs refreshing sensation (but unfortunately rub my nose after...:D) and help 1-2 runners to ease their discomfort (but why never return it to me!!!).

The above may sound like commercials but they do work magically to take care of every little detail that can make running experience better that can go a long way.

Coach Karsten promised to work on his jokes while I work on my height in 2025.

You can follow us on our Instagram if you like (please...):

Waikay Lim (@iamwaikay) • Instagram photos and videos

Karsten Korbel ( • Instagram photos and videos

13 Oct Note: I may update this post from time to time as I get better pictures and recall some stories or receive some feedback to cover certain topics/issues I missed. Consider this a short version report and do come back later to get the Easter Eggs...:D

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