Wednesday, December 31, 2008
List of Movies I Watched in 2008
14/01/08 - In The Name of The King, MBO
28/01/08 - Gabriel, City Square
04/02/08 - Meet The Spartans, MV
16/02/08 - CJ7, Cathay
19/02/08 - Jumper, I.Parade
24/02/08 - Vantage Point, Cathay
11/03/08 - 10,000 BC, I.Parade
28/03/08 - 27Dresses, Cathay
07/04/08 - Three Kingdoms, I.Parade
25/04/08 - Street King, KLCC
28/04/08 - Forbidden Kingdom, Cathay
01/05/08 - Ironman, KLCC
17/05/08 - Ironman, Cathay
21/05/08 - The Choronicles of Narnia (Prince Caspian)
28/05/08 - Indian Jones (The Crystal Skull), Cathay
04/06/08 - Superhero Movie, Cathay
12/06/08 - Hulk 2, Cathay
16/06/08 - Kungfu Panda, Cathay
25/06/08 - Mate of Honour, Cathay
16/07/08 - Hellboy2
31/07/08 - Dark Knight, Cathay
05/08/08 - The Mummy 3, Cathay
20/08/08 - Rogue, I.Parade
02/09/08 - Babylon A.D - M.V
09/09/08 - Death Race, Cathay
02/10/08 - EagleEye, Sunway
07/11/08 - Quantum of Solace, Cathay
27/11/08 - Twilight, Kinta
07/12/08 - Body of Lies, Cathay
22/12/08 - Ip Man, I.Parade
24/12/08 - The day the earth stood still, Kinta
29/12/08 - YesMan, Cathay
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
• Creative problem-solvers
• Able to see long-term impact of actions & ideas
• Strong communicators adept at generating excitement around ideas
• Able to see new, innovative ways of doing things
• Optimistic & resilient, cool under pressure
• Able to juggle several projects at once
Career Satisfiers :
All people are most satisfied and successful when using their natural talents in an environment that is consistent with their personality preferences and values.
• Creative problem solving & brainstorming opportunities
• A variety of new & exciting challenges
• Personal freedom & opportunity for spontaneity
• Significant collaboration with other people
• Minimal hierarchy, rules, or required procedures
In Love....
They value their inspiration above all else and strive to turn their ideas into reality. Often irreverent and outspoken, they easily see flaws in arguments and often enjoy taking the other side of an issue.
Most ENTP’s like to test limits and believe that rules are meant to be bent (if not broken). ENTPs are born enterprising. They have strong initiative and operate on creative impulse. ENTPs deal imaginatively with social relationships and often have a great number and variety of friends and acquaintances.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
GUYS, Be This Perfect Boyfriend
When she stares at your mouth =>smile...then kiss her
When she pushes you or hit's you =>hug her tight
When she starts cursing at you => say i love you
When she's quiet => hold her hand and ask what's wrong
When she ignores you =>act cute so she'll notice you
When she pulls away => Pull her back
When you see her at her worst => tell her you love her and she still looks amazing
When you see her start crying =>hold her...ask her what's wrong
When you see her walking => approach her..give a kiss on the cheek.
When she's scared => assure her you're not goin to leave her
When she lays her head on your shoulder =>tilt your head too..and hold her hand
When she steals your favorite hat =>let her keep it
When she teases you =>Tease her back and make her laugh
When she doesnt answer for a long time =>reassure her that everything is okay
When she looks at you with doubt =>Back yourself up
When she says that she likes you => she really does more than you could understand
When she grabs at your hands => Hold hers and play with her fingers
When she bumps into you =>bump into her back and make her laugh
When she tells you a secret =>keep it safe and untold
When she looks at you in your eyes =>dont look away until she does
When she misses you => she's hurting inside
When you break her heart =>the pain never really goes away
When she says its over =>she still wants you to be hers
When she repost this bulletin =>she wants you to read it
> - Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything.
> - When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
> - When she says she's ok dont believe it, talk with her
Because 20 yrs later she'll remember you:
> - Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
> - Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
> - Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
> - Tease her and let her tease you back.
> - Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
> - Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid.
> - Give her the world.
> - Let her wear your clothes.
> - When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.
> - Let her know she's important.
> - Kiss her in the pouring rain.
> - When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is:
"Whose ass am I kicking babe?"
Sunday, June 08, 2008
A Sacrifice of The Highest Degree
卖一次淫,可以帮助一名失学儿童;当一回二奶,可以拯救一所希望小学… 别笑,看过你就不会笑了 看完这个帖子,无语了。我不知道该说什么,是社会错了,还是怎么了?
殷彩霞死了,死前她是一名妓女,更确切的说,她是一名老师。是当今中国当之无愧的老师。她用自己肮脏的身体,纯洁了孩子的心灵。 一个妓女死了,所有的孩子哭着参加了她的追悼会,学校的国旗为她降了一半! 这名年仅21岁的美女教师的追悼会上,校长翻开殷彩霞的日记,当着孩子们的面老泪纵横地朗读起来,她这样写道:卖一次淫,可以帮助一名失学儿童;当一回二奶,可以拯救一所希望小学…
殷彩霞出生在甘肃省某县的农村,在那个贫困的地方,村里的其他姑娘,无论美丑,早就到南方沿海城市去打工挣钱了,每到春节,她们都会打扮得花枝招展,大包小包的提回来。而殷彩霞高中毕业后没这么做,很多人都不理解,毕竟她的长相在村里是数一数二的。为此,她的父亲经常骂自己的女儿没出息。 听说当地一所民办小学缺老师,她主动跟学校要求免费代课。因为她中学成绩就很好,顺利的通过了学校的文化考核,成为一名真正的民办教师。
一天夜里刮大风,茅草棚盖的学校屋顶被掀翻,黑板也被刮倒。第2天孩子们上学的时候各个不知道所措。校长去找县教育局长要钱结果无功而返。老校长晚上回来对殷彩霞说,局长说要你去才给。从来没有出过远门、也没有见过世面的殷彩霞怕把事情搞杂了,胆怯的步行10几公里去了县里。局长的办公室装修很豪华,墙上挂着很多锦旗,办公桌黑里透红,可以照见人影,上面立着一面小国旗,椅子是皮的,好象擦了鞋油一样光亮,比他的脑袋还要亮。局长见到殷彩霞,色咪咪聊了很多不着边际的话。直到天黑了,校长指着另外一扇门对她说,跟我过来拿钱。当殷彩霞走进去的时候,她只看到了一张床,也就是在那张床上,她失去了她的第一次,确切地说,是局长夺走了她的第一次。 床单上留下了处子的血,那血,比挂在局长办公室墙上的国旗还要红。 殷彩霞没有哭,因为,在眼前浮现的是孩子们没有教室上课而可怜的望着她的眼神! 她连夜步行回到家里,没有跟任何人说起她的屈辱。
第二天,村民们自发来到学校,买了些材料把简陋的教室重新搭建起来了。可遇到刮风下雨的日子,依然上不了课。殷彩霞几次跟孩子们说,县里不久将会来人给他们买砖头盖一所牢固的教室,在这半年里,校长去县城找了局长十几趟,一分钱没拿到。只有他知道局长对殷彩霞做了些什么,但他却无能为力。新学期开始了,很少人交得起学费,能够坚持来校上课的孩子越来越少了,他们都跟着父母放羊去了。殷彩霞内心感到了疼痛,为这些失学儿童而疼痛。 当殷彩霞知道孩子们的希望已经化为泡影的时候,她脱光了自己的衣服,对着镜子暗暗发誓将用自己的身体去实现孩子们的上学梦。在家乡她知道那些花枝招展回来过年的姐妹们都是在外做批肉生意的。她明白那是一条赚钱的捷径。她洗了个澡,告别了校长、告别的父亲,告别了那间千疮百孔的茅草棚,扎着两条麻花辫走向了繁华的大都市。临走的时候,父亲笑了,校长哭了...
她将自己的收入除去生活费之后,全部寄给了校长。校长按照殷彩霞的意思将她寄回的一笔笔嫖资全都用于改善小学的教学条件上。有人问起那笔钱的来源,校长就说那是社会捐助的善款。 世上没有不透风的墙,有一天终于从邮局传来消息说那些钱是殷老师寄来的。
有钱了,学校变了,第一个月,买了黑板,修了屋顶。第二个月,有了木制的课桌与板凳。第三个月,所有的孩子都有了课本。第四个月,所有的孩子都有了红领巾。第五个月,已经没有孩子光着脚丫上课了。 第六个月,殷彩霞回来了。当孩子们看到她的时候,争先恐后地叫她'殷老师……殷老师回来了……殷老师好漂亮啊……'。看到孩子们激动的笑脸,殷彩霞哭了,这半年里,多少的委屈和泪水,在她眼里都那么的有价值。
在家呆了几天,殷老师又踏上了南下的路。 第七个月,有了操场。 第八个月,有了篮球。第九个月,有了新铅笔。第十个月,学校有了自己的国旗,孩子们每天都能够在操场上看到国旗冉冉升起在第十一个月,一个房地产商坚持不用套,结果让殷老师意外怀孕了,打完胎后,殷老师成了房地产商的二奶。可那位包养她半年的房产商因为因近段时间深圳房价陡降而抛弃了她,一分钱没付。 殷彩霞终于疲倦了,她想回家,她想回到孩子们的身边,可她最大的梦想是为孩子们盖上一间砖砌的教室,再为孩子们买上两台电脑,因为这个梦想还没实现,所以她只能回头去苦苦哀求那位房产商。房产商说没钱,但可以为她介绍一笔大生意,一老外,愿意出三千美元买她一夜。想到几年前的那阵大风,殷彩霞拖着疲惫的身躯爬上了老外的床。她发誓,过了那个晚上她就回到她久别的家乡,回到她久别的课堂。
可就在那个晚上,殷老师被三个外国人强奸致死。死前她才刚过完自己21岁的生日。 殷老师死了,她没能完成她最后的夙愿,那就是给孩子们盖上一间砖砌的教室,再为孩子们买上两台电脑 一个妓女死了,悄无声息。深圳的天空还是那么蓝,官员们在豪华宴席上高谈阔论,道路上行驶的高级轿车散发着耀眼的光芒。兴奋的人们滔滔不绝地谈论着股票、房价和车市,还有电影、音乐和爱情。路边亲亲我我恋爱的小青年们为了一点小事要死要活。
可在此时,甘肃那个人们已经忘记了的小山村,正在举行只有学生、老师和数百位沉痛的村民的追悼会。 追悼会上,人们看到殷彩霞的一张黑白照片,照片里,她扎着两个麻花辫,笑得如此单纯。校长翻开殷彩霞的日记,当着孩子们的面老泪纵横地朗读起来,她这样写道:卖一次淫,可以帮助一名失学儿童;当一回二奶,可以拯救一所希望小学. 国旗降了一半, 或许,这是中国历史上,第一个为一个伟大的妓女而降的国旗。
Friday, June 06, 2008
中国人 VS 马来西亚华人
马来西亚华人 :今晚你得不得空?我不得空
中国人 :饼干受潮了…。
马来西亚华人 :饼干'漏风'了…。
中国人 :从上海去苏州要多少个小时?
中国人 :难道他不可以来吗?
中国人 :周杰伦不喜欢穿内裤。
中国人 :我一向都是这样的
中国人 :我的手机掉进沟渠了。
中国人 :这样你不是很不值得吗?
马来西亚华人:这样你'马'很不 '歹'?
中国人 :你真是聪明!
马来西亚华人:你真是pan nai!(源自马来语pandai,聪明的意思)
中国人 :你安静!
马来西亚华人:你diam diam!(源自马来语diam,安静的意思)
中国人 :我要去银行取款。
中国人 :为什么?
中国人 :你很强~
中国人 :明天也叫他一起去吧!
中国人 :我很郁闷~~~
中国人 :你再说我就打你!
中国人 :你在说什么?
中国人 :你不要令我丢脸~
中国人 :真被你气到…。
马来西亚华人:被你炸到…。<----Mother of all words !!!
中国人 :你别乱来~
中国人 :你很无聊
中国人 :XX你
中国人 :迫切
马来西亚华人:bek chek
中国人 :我们一起吃这碗面~
中国人 :我们结婚吧!
中国人 :今天的天气很热~
中国人 :哇!
中国人 :我受不了他!
Thursday, June 05, 2008
My Salary Increment VS Petrol Price Surge
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
When Security Guards become Mechanics.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
IMF: Oil, food prices may further dampen growth
THE International Monetary Fund said it is sticking to world economic forecasts for now, but cautioned that much higher global prices for oil and food could dampen growth.
'Despite increasing oil prices, the broad contours of the fund's assessment of the global outlook remain unchanged at this stage,' IMF spokesman David Hawley told reporters on Thursday.
'Significantly higher oil and commodity prices could have a dampening effect on growth if prices remain at elevated levels,' he added.
His comments came as crude oil rose to a record above US$135 (S$184) a barrel on Thursday and Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) oil ministers said they could do nothing to lower oil prices, calling the market 'crazy'. By the end of the day United States crude settled down US$2.36 to US$130.81.
Turning to global credit markets, Mr Hawley said the ability of banks to raise capital was 'reassuring' although a protracted adjustment in financial sector balance sheets is still likely.
The Washington-based IMF has twice cut its growth forecast for the world economy this year - in January and again in April. In its last outlook in April, it warned the United States was headed for recession this year and put world growth at 3.7 per cent in 2008.
That was down from a forecast in October of growth of 4.8 per cent and a forecast in January of 4.1 per cent, as it tried to account for the world's fast-spreading credit turmoil.
Mr Hawley said the IMF would update its forecast again in July. Meanwhile, a team of IMF economists was currently in Europe assessing the euro-area economy and 'and they will be concluding their work in the next few days', he said.
Authorities in the United States and Europe accused the IMF in April of being overly pessimistic in its April outlook.
First-quarter gross domestic product growth released on Thursday for the 15 countries using the euro topped expectations in an initial estimate by the European Union's statistics office at 0.7 per cent quarter-on-quarter and 2.2 per cent annually.
Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, the chairman of euro zone finance ministers, said he did not believe the worst of the financial market crisis was over and Europe will continue to be affected by the problems, which sprang from sloppy lending practices in the US housing market.
A spokesperson for the European Commission, however, acknowledged that high oil prices could reduce euro-zone economic growth below the 1.7 per cent forecast by the Commission for this year.
On Wednesday, the US Federal Reserve slashed its US economic growth forecast for 2008 to between 0.3 per cent and 1.2 per cent, down from a prior forecast of 1.3 per cent to 2 per cent three months ago. The IMF believes US economic growth will skid from a subpar 2.2. per cent in 2007 to 0.5 per cent this year and 0.6 per cent next year.
Malaysia up 4 spots to 19th in Competitiveness Ranking
Source: The Star Online
Date: 24/05/2008
Malaysia’s moving up the competitiveness rankings is the result of improvements in hard data rather than perception surveys.
Malaysia has moved up four spots to 19th place with a score of 73.2 points out of 100 in the World Competitiveness Yearbook 2008 published by International Institute for Management Development (IMD) based in Switzerland.
Last year, Malaysia was ranked 23rd with 74.1 points.
At a seminar on “Updates on Malaysia’s Competitiveness 2008” yesterday, Malaysia Productivity Corp (MPC) director general Datuk Nik Zainiah Nik Abd Rahman said: “The overall improved performance on Malaysia was attributed largely to the improvement in the rankings for statistical (or hard) data, where 46 out of 127 of the statistical data recorded improvements in ranking.”
However, she added that the MPC was also concerned with perception data, given that in today’s environment “perception was reality.”
The IMD ranking on perception data for Malaysia found that 43 out of 118 of recorded data showed an improvement. Perception data has a lower weightage in IMD’s yearbook rankings.
Going forward, MPC’s focus was on improving government efficiency in providing services to the public “especially to the private sector,” Nik Zainiah said.
MPC director Chan Kum Siew told the seminar said that in percentage terms Malaysia recorded a 35% improvement in statistical data rankings and also 35% improvement in perception data.“
Business efficiency showed the majority of improvement in rankings in the perception data,” she added.
Chan identified several challenges facing Malaysia, including achieving a customer-centric, innovative and proactive public service; nurturing innovative and resilient small and medium enterprises, and leveraging on public-private partnership to move the economy up the value chain.
Malaysia, she added, also needed to raise the innovative and creative capacity of human capital and enhance the scientific and technological infrastructure to meet the needs of a competitive economy
Robert Kuok Continues To Top Malaysia's Rich List
Malaysian tycoon Tan Sri Robert Kuok continues to maintain his lead position as Malaysia's richest man in the latest Forbes Asia's rich list.
According to Forbes Asia, Kuok, 84, who has many businesses, including Hong Kong property and media interests, and most notably palm oil giant Wilmar, increased his net worth from US$2.4 billion last year to hit US$10 billion.
The latest ranking list also saw Berjaya Corp's Tan Sri Vincent Tan joining the billionaires' club, Forbes Asia said in a news release here.
There are 10 billionaires in the list this year, one more than last year.
Tan, who rose from 14th to ninth position, has a net worth of US$1.3 billion, up nearly US$1 billion from last year. Forbes Asia said Tans company, Berjaya Corporation, had bucked the trend with its stock price up nearly three-fold over the past 12 months.
Tan reigns over a vast US$4 billion -- combined sales -- network of enterprises spanning industries such as gaming, media, telecom, consumer products and retail as well as real estate.
Still in second place is Ananda Krishnan who heads telecom company Maxis. But his wealth dipped to US$7.2 billion, which is US$200 million less than last year.
The third richest in the list is IOI Corporation's group executive chairman Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng who was ranked fourth last year but as the oil palm plantation giant soared in value, his wealth rose from US$1.6 billion to US$5.5 billion, Forbes Asia said.
The highest new entry is Puan Sri Lee Kim Hua, widow of renowned gaming tycoon Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong who was ranked third last year but died in October. She and her family are worth US$3.4 billion and ranked fifth, even as son Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay, who runs Genting, is listed on his own with US$345 million, putting him in 15th place.
Lee is one of three women on the list alongside Selangor Properties' chairman Puan Sri Chong Chook Yew, ranked 24th (US$245 million), and daughter of the Sultan of Perak, Raja Datuk Seri Eleena Raja Azlan Shah, ranked 35th (US$150 million).
Among the newcomers is Datuk Nazir Razak, group chief executive of CIMB Group and the youngest son of second Prime Minister, the late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein. Nazir managed to scrape into the 40th position as the last richest Malaysian in Forbes Asia's top 40 with a net worth of US$100 million. The collective wealth of the top 40 is US$46 billion, up US$3 billion from last year.
While 16 people managed to add to their wealth, 18 saw their net worth slipped, with seven of them losing at least a quarter of their worth.
Tan Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, the richest Malay tycoon and a billionaire, dropped one position from seventh to eighth after his net worth was reduced by US$200 million to US$1.8 billion.
The Malaysia Rich List appears in the June 2nd issue of Forbes Asia.
The top 10 richest in Malaysia are:
1) Robert Kuok, US$10 billion.
2) Ananda Krishnan, US$7.2 billion.
3) Lee Shin Cheng, US$5.5 billion.
4) Teh Hong Piow, US$3.5 billion.
5) Lee Kim Hua & family, US$3.4 billion.
6) Quek Leng Chan, US$2.4 billion.
7) Yeoh Tiong Lay & family, US$2.1 billion.
8) Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, US$1.8 billion.
9) Vincent Tan, US$1.3 billion.
10) Tiong Hiew King, US$1.1 billion.
Golden Triangle and Mont’Kiara still hot spots
Property map “guru” Ho Chin Soon said some condominiums in the Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) development had breached RM2,000psf while the price of condominiums in the affluent Mont'Kiara neighbourhood were also rising.
Ho, who is the managing director of Ho Chin Soon Research Sdn Bhd, said the spill over effects from these “hot spots” was apparent but only in certain locations.The Klang Valley, he noted, would remain the No 1 growth region in Malaysia for many years.
“Malaysia is an excellent country in Asia to invest in because of excellent infrastructure, solid legislation protecting land rights and liberal policies for foreign investors,” he said in his talk at the Malaysia International Property Showcase yesterday.
“We need to fine tune our economic policies to compete with the rest of the world in the light of globalisation. In order to compete we have to change. The recent 12th general election has started the ball rolling.
“People voted for change. They want greater transparency. There should no more be negotiated deals or land alienation but tenders and public sale of land,” he added.
Ho said there had been a lot of foreign interest in Malaysian property, especially last year when investors from South Korea and the Middle East bought office and condominiums en bloc.
He also advised investors to do their “home work” carefully and buy from reputable developers, as there were signs of the market softening.
“We have to take what developers tell us with a pinch of salt. Rental yields are going to come down,” he said in response to a question on the many vacant units in Mont'Kiara.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
星期日,一覺睡到下午2 點還不願起床,我在旁邊叫喚他。
我想,他明白這是 ------我一個人生活時愛做的事,二個人生活時也希望可以做的事。
如果相遇,你會感到相知,那麼,有一種習慣 ─叫做陪伴。
如果陪伴,你會感到珍惜,那麼,有一種甜蜜 ─叫做存在。
如果存在,你會感到壓力,那麼,有一種善良 ─叫做離開。
如果離開,你會感到輕鬆,那麼,有一種勇敢 ─ 叫做放棄。
忙的時候,想要休息; 渡假的時候,想到未來。
窮的時候,渴望富有; 生活安逸了,怕幸福不能長久。
珍惜現在的友誼,珍惜你所愛的人. 因為,很可能在下一秒鐘這些都將不復存,不要只留下自己為沒有珍惜過嘆息,為沒有珍惜過而生自己的氣.因為那為時已晚....
Friday, May 16, 2008
WHY Employees Leave Organizations ?
Friday, May 09, 2008
George Carlin on Aging

'How old are you?' 'I'm four and a half!' You're never thirty-six and a half. You're four and a half, going on five! That's the key :
You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the next number, or even a few ahead.
'How old are you?' 'I'm gonna be 16!' You could be 13, but hey, you're gonna be 16! And then the greatest day of your life ! You become 21. Even the words sound like a ceremony. YOU BECOME 21. YESSSS!!!
But then you turn 30. Oooohh, what happened there? Makes you sound like bad milk ! He TURNED; we had to throw him out. There's no fun now, you're Just a sour-dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed?
You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40. Whoa! Put on the brakes, it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50 and your dreams are gone.
But wait!!! You MAKE it to 60. You didn't think you would!
So, You BECOME 21, TURN 30, PUSH 40, REACH 50 and MAKE it to 60.
You've built up so much speed that you HIT 70! After that it's a day-by-day thing; you HIT Wednesday!
You get into your 80's and every day is a complete cycle; you HIT lunch; you TURN 4:30; you REACH bedtime. And it doesn't end there. Into the 90s, you start going backwards; 'I Was JUST 92.'
Then a strange thing happens. If you make it over 100, you become a little kid again. 'I'm 100 and a half!' May you all make it to a healthy 100 and a half!!
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.
4. Enjoy the simple things.
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.
6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.
10. Tell the people you love that you love them , at every opportunity.
Water VS Coke
#1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. (Likely applies to half the world population)
#2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is mistaken for hunger.
#3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as 3%.
#4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University ofWashington study.
#5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.
#6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses ofwater a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.
#7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a ! printed page.
#8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%., and one is 50% less likely to developbladder cancer. Are you drinking the amount of wateryou should drink every day?
1. In many states the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the trunk to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.
2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of Coke and it will be gone in two days.
3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let the "real thing" sit for one hour,then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous China .
4. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of ReynoldsWrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.
5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubbleaway the corrosion.
6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.
7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake.Thirty minutes before ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mixwith the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.
8. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Coke into the load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and runthrough a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.
1. The active ingredient in Coke is Phosphoric Acid. It will dissolve a nail in about four days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a majorcontributor to the rising increase of osteoporosis.
2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate!) the commercial trucks must use a hazardous Material place cards reserved for highly corrosive materials.
3. The distributors of Coke have been using it to clean engines of the trucks for about 20 years!
Now the question is, would you like a glass of water? or Coke?
Thursday, May 08, 2008
PKNS offers over 1,000 units at rock-bottom prices
The Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) has announced that the Jualan Hartanah Mampu Milik PKNS 2008 (PKNS Affordable Properties Sale 2008) will take place from this Friday to May 18.
A total of 1,173 residential units, 53 bungalows, 25 shoplots and 206 industrial land lots are on offer at bargain prices. On top of the discounted prices, buyers will also get incentives for each property bought. A 10% discount will be given to buyers of factory buildings in Rawang and Air Manis, Sabak Bernam.
All other buyers will be given free air-conditioners, LCD television sets and electrical appliance vouchers, depending on the price of the properties.
According to PKNS deputy general manger (administration and development) Md Nasir Md Arshad, the sale is intended to give the public an opportunity to own their dream homes at an affordable price.
“PKNS properties are always priced at 7% to 10% less than other properties on the market,” Nasir said.
This time around, the sale will encompass properties in Shah Alam, Kota Damansara, Antara Gapi, Kota Puteri, Bernam Jaya, Bandar Baru Bangi, Kuala Selangor and Bandar Sultan Suleiman in Port Klang.
Almost all these projects have been completed.
“PKNS is also offering a payment facility where buyers only need to pay a RM500 down payment before commencing on a loan scheme being offered to qualified buyers,” Nasir said.
“The facility is a confidence boost for buyers of PKNS properties.
“The buyers can also pick strategic locations, including the upmarket hot spots like the new eight-storey apartment block in Section 10 at Kota Damansara, which is priced from RM180,000 onwards,” he said.
The new apartment block is equipped with a swimming pool, a badminton court and sports area.
It is strategically located in the vicinity of Petaling Jaya and is linked to highways, including the Damansara-Puchong Highway and MRR 2.
In Shah Alam, PKNS is offering 167 apartments at RM145,000 each in Section 24, a strategically located residential area with many nearby facilities like schools, clinics, 24-hour restaurants, car workshops and the Giant, Mydin and Ole Ole supermarkets.
“The lowest priced apartment is RM59,000 for the five-storey apartment in Bandar Sultan Suleiman,” Nasir said.
He said PKNS decided to hold another special sale this year as the response to the previous one was overwhelming with buyers snapping up all the properties because of the competitive prices, strategic locations and other attractive facilities.
“We have started using the tagline ‘Living with PKNS’ that is representative of the buyers’ confidence in our properties.
“It represents 150,000 PKNS property owners who have bought and continue to grow with our new properties,” Nasir said.
The properties sale will be held at the PKNS Complex in Shah Alam as well as at all PKNS sales gallery in the state.
Monday, May 05, 2008
4 years Anniversary in Work
Painful 32th Blood Donation
Then her biggest mistake of the day ( as far as I know, hopefully no other victim..) was she didn't insert the needle properly, so I was so in pain during the whole processs of torture ( with the LA not working at all....).
Even after she noticed I wasn't pumping (So in pain, how to pump ?) and attempted to twist and turn of the needle, I was still in pain, but the pack was finally full (thank God !!!). I think may be I didn't show the PAIN on my face, so she actually thought the pain is SIKIT saje...
The worst of all is now, I feel like got punched on my arm and no energy to grab anything, can't even straighten my right arm.....grr.....argh!!!!
My Blood Donation Card
Saturday, May 03, 2008
List of Movies I Watched in 2007
09/01/07 - Cadaver, Tebrau
05/02/07 - Epic Movie, Tebrau
07/02/07 - Stranger, City Square
22/02/07 - Ghost Raider, Mahkota
03/03/07 - Protege, BTS
08/03/07 - "300", Mahkota
17/03/07 - Primeval, KLCC
09/04/07 - The Reaping, Pelangi
14/04/07 - Shooter, KLCC
24/04/07 - Wild Hogs, Tebrau
25/04/07 - Sunshine, Pelangi
29/04/07 - Hills Have Eyes 2, Cathay
09/05/07 - Spiderman 3, Pelangi
13/05/07 - Spiderman 3, Cathay
19/05/07 - Next, KLCC
28/05/07 - Pirates of The Carribean 3, Pelangi
11/06/07 - Ocean 13, Pelangi
17/06/07 - Transformers, MV
06/07/07 - Die Hard 4, Cathay
12/07/07 - Transformers, MBO
20/07/07 - Die Hard 4, KLCC
01/08/07 - Invisible Target, MBO
08/08/07 - Simpsons The Movie, MBO
27/08/07 - Rogue Assassin, Pelangi
28/08/07 - Blood-B ???, Tebrau
29/08/07 - Perfect Stranger, Tebrau
07/09/07 - Ratatouille, Cathay
04/10/07 - Resident Evil 3 : Extinction, MBO
17/10/07 - The Bourne Ultimatum, MBO
22/10/07 - Triangle, Tebrau
05/11/07 - 30days Of Night, Pelangi
19/11/07 - Beowulf, Pelangi
26/11/07 - The Kingdom, MBO
30/11/07 - Hitman, Pelangi
17/12/07 - I Am Legend, Pelangi
18/12/07 - Heartbreak Kid, Tebrau
22/12/07 - National Treasure 2, Pavilion
24/12/07 - The Warlords, MV
List of Movies I Watched in 2005-2006
21/01/05 - National Treasure, Kinta City
04/02/05 - Elektra, KLCC
14/02/05 - Constantine, Cheras
19/03/05 - Robots, KLCC
27/04/05 - The Pacifier, Cheras
07/05/05 - Kingdom Of Heaven, Selayang
17/05/05 - Divergence, BTS
27/05/05 - Infection, Mahkota
30/05/05 - Star Wars: Episode III, Mahkota
29/06/05 - Batman Begins, Mahkota
20/07/05 - War of The Worlds, KLCC
04/08/05 - Stealth, Mahkota
16/08/05 - Romasanta, KLCC
03/10/05 - Into The Blue, Mahkota
YEAR 2006 : 21
15/02/06 - Fearless, Mahkota
22/03/06 - Final Destination 3, Mahkota
29/03/06 - V For Vendeta, Mahkota
20/04/06 - Reincarnation, Mahkota
03/05/06 - The Sentinel, Mahkota
21/05/06 - The Da Vinci Code, 1U
24/05/06 - Mission Impossible III, KLCC
29/05/06 - X-Men 3, Seremban2
13/06/06 - The Omen, Mahkota
17/06/06 - Cars, KLCC
28/06/06 - Fast & Furious 2 : Tokyo Drift, Mahkota
02/07/06 - Superman Returns, Mahkota
26/07/06 - Pirates of The Carribean 2, KLCC
15/08/06 - Click, KLCC
07/09/06 - Snakes on A Plane, Mahkota
14/09/06 - Argh......can't see the printing, Pelangi
17/10/06 - Rob-B-Hood, Pelangi
08/11/06 - The Prestige, Mahkota
29/11/06 - Happy Feet, Mahkota
02/12/06 - James Bond: Casino Royale, IOI
13/12/06 - Dejavu, Pelangi
List of Movies I Watched in 2003-2004
14/05/03 - X-Men 2, Orchard
04/06/03 - Matrix Reloaded, KLCC
30/07/03 - Tomb Raider 2, KLCC
29/08/03 - Bruce Almighty, MV
16/09/03 - Turn Left Turn Right, KLCC
08/10/03 - Infernal Affair, KLCC
11/10/03 - A Tale of Two Sisters, KLCC
15/10/03 - Jeepers Creeper, KLCC
17/11/03 - Matrix Revolution, KLCC
18/12/03 - Spy Kids 3D, KLCC
19/12/03 - LOTR : Return Of The King, MV
YEAR 2004 : 40
02/01/04 - The Wishing Stairs, Mines
08/01/04 - Dead End, KLCC
14/01/04 - Anna in Kungfu, Sunway
06/02/04 - The Last Samurai, Sunway
12/02/04 - Leaving Me, Loving Me, Selayang
15/02/04 - Timeline, KLCC
18/02/04 - Gothika, KLCC
24/03/04 - Beauties and The Beast?, KLCC
25/03/04 - Scooby Doo 2, KLCC
29/04/04 - Koma, KLCC
22/05/04 - Troy, Selayang
24/05/04 - Van Helsing, MV
29/05/04 - The Day After Tomorrow, Sunway
02/06/04 - The Day After Tomorrow, Kinta City
17/06/04 - Breaking News, Kinta City
22/06/04 - The Chronicles of Riddick, I.Parade
23/06/04 - Punisher, Kinta City
24/06/04 - Heat Team, Kinta City
07/07/04 - Spiderman 2, I.Parade
12/07/04 - Throw Down, I.Parade
13/07/04 - Around The World in 80 Days, Kinta City
17/07/04 - King Arthur, Selayang
04/08/04 - 3 Of a Kind, Kinta City
05/08/04 - House of Flying Daggers?, Kinta City
10/08/04 - Cat Woman, Kinta City
26/08/04 - Alien VS Predator, Kinta City
30/08/04 - Garfield, Kinta City
02/09/04 - 6 Strong Guys, Kinta City
22/09/04 - The Ghost, I.Parade
28/09/04 - New Police Story, Selayang
06/10/04 - Resident Evil 2, Kinta City
12/10/04 - Dodgeball, Kinta City
24/10/04 - The Stepford Wives, MV
25/10/04 - The Terminal, Kinta City
27/10/04 - Exorcist, Kinta City
17/11/04 - Shark Tale, Kinta City
24/11/04 - The Incredibles, Kinta City
08/12/04 - Polar Express, Kinta City
09/12/04 - Ocean 12, Kinta City
25/12/04 - Kung Fu, KLCC
Magna Prima Plans RM1bil 5-in-1 Project
KUALA LUMPUR: Magna Prima Bhd will embark on a mega five-in-one integrated development at Jalan Kuching here this year.
Group managing director Steven Lee Kian Seng said the project, with a gross development value (GDV) of RM1.1bil, would comprise three-storey shop lots, eight-storey signature offices, two blocks of serviced apartments, a boutique hotel and a three-level retail mall.
“We are thrilled to be embarking on this project which is Magna Prima’s biggest project to-date,” he said at the company’s annual dinner in Kuala Lumpur last Saturday.
Construction on the 10.23-acre freehold site will be undertaken in four phases, with the first phase to begin in July. The final phase is targeted for completion by the third quarter of 2012. Lee said the project would re-affirm the company’s standing as a major award-winning property contractor and developer in the country.
“When I took over the management of Magna Prima in 2005, I had a heavy responsibility ahead of me. I had to re-energise a demoralised team and motivate them to work with me towards building a new Magna Prima into one of the country’s top property developers, and a prominent brand name in the region.
“Quality, innovation, hard work and teamwork will be the cornerstones of the new Magna Prima as we steer it towards profitability and growth,” he added.On its award-winning “six-star” The Avare in Kuala Lumpur, Lee said it had won the CNBC Asia Pacific Property Award in the high-rise development category.
The Avare, he noted, was being built at a “breathtaking rate of seven floors a month and all 78 units sold within a year.” Magna Prima posted a whopping 944% rise in pre-tax profit to RM37.6mil for the year ended Dec 31, 2007 from RM3.6mil in 2006. Revenue also rose by 326% to RM344.4mil.
Revamped Magna Prima on Stronger Footing
With a turnaround plan in place after a reshuffling of the top management and the board of directors, the company turned in a net profit of RM26.58mil for the financial year ended Dec 31, 2007 (FY07) compared to a net profit of RM119,000 the previous year. Revenue increased by 326% to RM344.44mil.
It is also the turnkey contractor for Muafakat Kekal Sdn Bhd, the developer of the Dataran Automobil project in Shah Alam, a joint venture with landowner Selangor State Development Corp. Taken together, all the projects have unbilled sales of RM250mil and ongoing gross development value (GDV) of RM1.7bil.
Magna Prima chief executive officer Lim Ching Choy said the company was now in the second phase of the turnaround.
“The first phase involved streamlining the company's resources into three business divisions and hiring new management teams for the divisions,” he said.
In the second phase, integrated-lifestyle developments, comprising commercial and residential elements, would be the way forward as the company makes plans to transfer to the main board by 2009.
As such, two more projects had been lined up for launch this year that would provide not only greater earnings visibility for the next two to three years but also recurrent income from certain commercial properties that the company would retain, Lim told StarBiz.
The projects would be launched from land that the company acquired late last year in two locations - a 4.78-acre leasehold parcel in Section U1 of Shah Alam and two parcels of freehold land totalling 10.23 acres in Jalan Kuching, Kuala Lumpur.
Now the company is embarking on its second phase. “We don't have a large landbank and we're small compared with the likes of SP Setia Bhd and other listed property developers, so we need to find our niche,” Lim said.
He said the estimated RM135mil Shah Alam project, whose proposed name is Dataran U1 Shah Alam, would be an integrated three-in-one project comprising shops, small office home office units and serviced apartments. “This project will be launched by May and will have a two-acre landscaped park on the third floor of the retail podium,” Lim said.
He said the yet-unnamed Jalan Kuching project would be launched by August. “This will be an integrated five-in-one project comprising 3-storey shops, a 3-storey retail podium, an 8-storey office tower, two blocks of serviced apartments and a 250-room hotel with an estimated GDV of RM1.1bil,” Lim said, adding that the company was looking for a joint-venture partner for the mall, which would be retained for recurrent income.
Both projects are scheduled for completion in 2011.
“We've not gotten into any serious negotiations yet although we have three potential partners in mind, one of which is local. We hope to conclude a deal in the next six months,” Lim said.
He said the mall, with an estimated net lettable area of 1million sq ft, would be modelled along the lines of malls that had been coming up throughout the South-East Asian region in the past two to three years.
Lim said there may be another integrated project on the cards should negotiations for a project located in Kuala Lumpur's Golden Triangle be successful.
“Hopefully in the next one or two months we'll be able to conclude the negotiations, which will be a joint venture with a landowner,” he said, adding that the project would include a Grade A office tower among its components.
Lim said the company would continue to pursue the strategy of sourcing for projects in matured areas of the Klang Valley. “We'll continue to look for areas in which we can develop high-density projects, this is the model we'll continue to work on, and going forward we'll most likely enter into joint ventures with institutional and private landowners in order not to burden our finances,” he said.
Lim said efforts were being made to balance out the revenue stream from the various divisions in the company. “Property development currently contributes 75% of revenue, but going forward we'll like to see a more balanced revenue contribution and hope that construction will contribute at least half,” he said.
At present, most of the construction jobs were from the property development arm but in the future, as the company's brand-building exercise and quality became better known, more projects would come its way from outside. “We'll continue to concentrate on civil works for our construction arm,” he said.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Old Post | Old Job | New Life | New Option
I struggled alot to tender the resignation, mainly due to the ppl that I worked long enough with, finally I decided to reject the offer and stay on the same company with a transfer to KL, for a few reasons. I give it a year b4 I ever consider any new offer. It was Nov 07-Jan 08.
My 2008 increment finally been announced, for the 1st time I felt so unhappy about it (never been happy previously too), at 1st I thought tht's was how it is supposed to be (though it was lower than my lowest expectation), after thinking of some ways to convince myself, I found it so hard to answer few questions to myself on this issue. Then I went on for my vacation to Cambodia, I thought I would feel better after that and life goes on...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
What is Blog for ?
Blogging becomes a more interactive way of writing a diary whereby people can drop comments and concerns about what u been through and what u had in mind.
I never liked blogging (neither writing a diary ), but I guess it is the only way to share many things at one site : photos, articles, comments, travel journal, joy and sadness, whatever shits u have in mind.... Whatever I share , I really want u to know, whatever I don't, u don't need to know, neither u will ever know.
Disastrous Fun
She took it easily with a smile on her face and continue to move the food, can't be bothered by how these people gonna think about this high earning / high ranking manager's action. Well, they're never going to figure out why. Come to think about it, it was a good virtue not to waste food and it is never wrong to take the food away. But when it comes to public's eyes and ears, especially our society, it becomes a silly, stingy, greedy and undesirable intolerable behaviour !
At 2nd thought , I realised I was wrong, I was too guilty for joining the fun of it and took pictures of it. She was hurt and for a person in her position, she can't show it on the face but to hide it, she handled it with smiles.
A man had the whole scene in his eyes and he took action by gathering all the spectators, he gave us his piece of mind and reminded us how childish we were and how difficult the situation that we had just put a person in. The crowd silent. He was right. We were silly.
I thought I should give her a call to express my apology, her phone was put into sleep mode, so I sent her a SMS. I hope for all the silly things we had done tonight, she will forgive us, just like she always do... :)
Friday, April 18, 2008
My Personality Type = ENTP
Life as an ENTP (Extravert, Intuitive, Thinker, Perceiver) :
People of this type tend to be: friendly, charming, and outgoing; quick-witted, energetic, and irreverent; ingenious, imaginative, and creative; curious, flexible, and unpredictable; logical and analytical.
The most important thing to ENTPs is being creative, seeing possibilities, and always having new challenges.
Great careers for ENTPs
Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose is ENTP.
- Entrepreneur (not yet)
- Investment banker (not interested yet)
- Venture capitalist (wow...)
- Outplacement consultant (not bad...)
- Management / marketing consultant (salesman la...)
- Copywriter (huh?)
- Radio/TV talk show host (interesting...)
- Political manager (can I ?)
- Real estate developer ( part time ?)
- Actor (born one)
- Strategic planner (always one)
- University / college president (u must be crazy !)
- Motivational speaker ( am I ?)
- Internet marketer (always wanted to be one )
- Advertising creative director (Yippie!!!)
How to Love an ENTP
1. Appreciate my perceptiveness and original insights.
2. Encourage me to spend time with people and be free to respond to spontaneous opportunities.
3. Listen to me talk about my ideas and brainstorm with me.
4. Be willing to debate and discuss ideas.
5. Try not to nag me about small things or about being too messy.
6. Above all - respect my competency and need to constantly take on new challenges.
Parenting ENTPs ( abit too late for my parents by now...)
The Joys and Challenges of Raising ENTPs:
- They are curious, clever, and persuasive but can also be impulsive, unpredictable, and argumentative. While they are enterprising, ambitious, and entertaining, they may be quite unrealistic, bore easily, and leave many projects unfinished.
What works with ENTPs:
- expect a high energy level; give plenty of playmates and varied, physical outlets for their energy
- encourage their creative ideas; try their solutions whenever possible
- find ways to encourage and appreciate their gift of negotiation
Parents of ENTPs: they'll know you really love them when you...take them to meet someone famous or powerful.
SpeedReading ENTPs
The key to success lies in your ability to quickly size others up, and speak their language. Here are just a few clues for SpeedReading (understanding) and SpeedReaching (communicating with) ENTPs.
How to Spot ENTPs:
- energetic, charming, and witty
- enthusiastic, creative, and expressive
- easygoing, adventurous, and persuasive
- image conscious and snappy dressers
Tips for Communicating with ENTPs:
- Focus on creative possibilities
- Expect a lot of questions , don't force decisions too soon
- Stay flexible and open to suggestions and improvements
Monday, April 14, 2008
1. 鼓励国人捐血行善(又不会少了一块肉,还有免费餐+维生素享用 !)
2. 间接鼓励国人保持健康的体魄(不健康者无法捐血, 即无法扣税 !)。
3. 国内大概没有医院是不合法及不受承认的吧?
4. 一人一年最多只须捐血四次,不难达至目标。
5. 捐血须亲临行善,没有请枪手/滥用之嫌。
6. 受益的不再是一个又一个失败的工程,而是命在一线之间的病人及纳税人。
7. 通过捐血扣税,同时推行国内保健运动及年检意识。
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Timepiece that represent Eternity & Wealth
A timepiece that worth at least RM1,252,192.00 :
Jaeger LeCoultre's Reverso-Gyrotourbillon-2
- the three-dimensional spherical tourbillon has got two carriages rotating in 2 different speed, the inner one completing a full turn in 18.75 seconds, while the outer one performs a more conventional one-minute turn.
- 36 x 55 x 15.8mm , 371parts.
- Cylinder-shaped balance-spring, invented by English watchmaker John Arnold, who had it patented in 1782. this ingenious discovery which guarantees a regular and perfectly isochronous development of the balance-spring was reserved exclusively for marine chronometers and a few generously sized pocket-watches. It thus appeared doomed never to drive a wristworn mechanism. Innovative watchmakers chafed at this regrettable situation, since its rating characteristics are unanimously considered to be infinitely better than those of a flat balance-spring.
- Spherical tourbillon, 1st unveiled in 2004 ,composed of two carriages mounted on axes set at a 90° angle, this horological microcosm is still the only mechanical device enabling a wristwatch to break completely free from the detrimental effects of gravity on its timekeeping precision.
~ 0.34 grams to escape the law of gravity ~
Take a view on its unique mechanism at :